Note: This knot is now one of
(12) awards recognized as a "Community Organization Award", of
which (11) use this particular knot. The
Daniel Beard Knot was the first authorized in the series. These
knots are issued to adult scouters by their organization and are recognized
by the BSA for display on the Uniform.
The Freemasons have long been a strong
supporter of the Boy Scouts of America by supporting the development of
Scouting units, serving as volunteers, and assisting their Masonic
lodges in forming and sponsoring Scout units. The relationship between
individual Masons and Scouting, which has existed since the founding of
Scouting in America, has resulted in great benefits for both
Freemasonry and Scouting. The creation of the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic
Scouter Award was announced in June 2001. |
It was created as a national Masonic Scouter award and is
administered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania as a service to all other
regular Grand Lodges.

The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is an honor due
to members of the Masonic Lodge who act as role models and provide dedicated
service to the young men in the BSA. The Daniel Carter Beard
Masonic Award not only supports the Masonic relationship through the man who
brought Scouting to America, but proclaims the integrity of the recipient
who is honored by receiving the award.
The award will be presented to a Master Mason who is
currently a registered Scouter and active in a Scout unit, district,
council, or national affiliate, and has displayed outstanding dedication to
the Scouting program through:
- developing of Scouting units;
- assisting lodges in forming units;
- exemplifying the Scout Law and Masonic virtues;
- recruiting Scouting volunteers;
- strengthening the relationship between Freemasonry and
W ork accomplishment and dedication, rather than a specific
number of years in Scouting, will be the criteria for this award.
Boy Scout Community Organization Award
The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is what is
known as a "Community Organization Award," which can be used by any
community organization to honor its volunteers for Scouting. A
community organization is permitted to create its own neck medallion and
to award a purple square knot badge with a gold border.
The nominee must be recommended by a Master Mason in good
Official Nomination form (Petition) must be used.
- Step 1: The recommender must complete the
petition and submit an attached page explaining the candidate's
qualification for the award.
- Step 2: The recommender should also have the
petition approved and verified by the Viking Council that the
candidate is currently registered as an active Scout leader.
- Step 3: The recommender should then have the
petition reviewed by the Worshipful Master of the candidate's lodge.
If found to be qualified, the
petition will be authorized and forwarded to the lodge's district
deputy or other Masonic authority designated to handle the award in his
home jurisdiction. That person will then submit the petition, as
instructed by his Grand Lodge, for action.
- Step 4: The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will
then forward the information on awardees to the Boy Scouts of America,
Relationships Division, Irving, TX for the official record of recipients.
Presentation of the Award
The Daniel Carter Beard Scouter Award will be presented at
the discretion of the Grand Master. It may be presented at a Grand
Communication or other similar meeting where a representative of the Grand
Lodge makes the presentation. Arrangements also can be made to
make the presentation at a Lodge or Scouting-related function.
In all cases, a representative of the Grand Lodge should present the
History - Daniel Carter Beard
Freemasonry's relationship with the Boy Scouts
started with a Freemason named Daniel Carter Beard.
Beard was made a Mason in Mariner's Lodge No. 67, New York City,
NY, and later affiliated with Cornucopia Lodge 563, Flushing, NY.
In the late 1800's he founded a male youth program called the
"Society of the Sons of Daniel Boone." By 1905, the
program had become "The Boy Pioneers." The man who
would create the first "Boy Scouts," and be known as its founder,
was Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Great Britain. Lord
Baden-Powell, who was not a Mason, read of Beard's program, and
based on his own military experience, developed what is known as
the "Boy Scouts." In 1910, the Boy Scout program came
to America when Beard merged his organization into the "Boy Scouts
of America" and became its first National Commissioner.
Beard, known affectionately as "Uncle Dan" by
millions of Boy Scouts, worked tirelessly to create the Scouting
Program that exists today. He developed the elements of
the Scout badge and the Scout uniform, and wrote and illustrated
various early publications of the Boy Scouts of America.
Beard exemplified the Masonic ideals throughout the Scouting
program. |
Nomination Form
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