This award being phased
out 1/1/2001 although some units are still running variations of the program
at a Unit level
1. Applicants must present themselves properly outfitted for winter
2. Each applicant must have five nights of non-winter camping
experience; This item is waved if the applicant is participating in the BSA OKPIC High
Adventure program or equivalent program that provides appropriate clothing and equipment.
3. Each applicant must show an understanding of the
C.O.L.D. formula
explained in the BSA Fieldbook and OKPIC guidebook.
4, Each applicant must show an understanding of the symptoms and
treatment for hypothermia, frostbite, and other cold related injuries or conditions.
5. Each applicant must sleep in a tent, an igloo, a
quinzie, a
thermal shelter, or other low impact winter shelter.
6. Wind-chill factor is a combination of temperature and wind
velocity. For accumulation of minus wind-chill degrees as calculated from the U. S. Army
wind-chill chart or Fieldbook for a total of -50 ° degrees, count only minus
degrees. Use lowest factor during a 24-hour period from 12 midnight to 12 midnight.
Example: 5 nights at -10 ° degrees wind chill = -50° degrees wind
7. Temperature and wind velocity (wind chill) must be verified by
local radio station, television station, camp ranger, or Minnesota Department of
Environmental Records.
8. As wind-chill degrees are accumulated, -100 ° degrees , -150° degrees or -200° degrees segments
maintained and sewn onto thermometer bulb.
9. For accumulated wind chills below -200 ° degrees, either
order a second patch or sew additional segments on the patch beside the thermometer bulb.
10. Scout applicants must have earned camping merit badge to obtain
-200 ° degrees and lower.
11. Remember, open flames including liquid fuel stoves and lanterns
in a tent are unsafe and in violation of BSA policy. No heating equipment is allowed in
any shelter. |