
Experience 2000
14-15, 2000
The Civil war
and black powder were a hit with the Webelos |
The costumes
were spellbinding |
Mr. Ed.
Everyone wanted to ride!
It's heavier than it looks!
The crowd went wild over the bullwhip.
They also stayed way, way back!
Gee, a real Colt 45!
The Porsche and Viper were popular
Father and son share a sobering moment
A Scout is Reverent
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ScoutingBSA.org web site is a
legacy site of the Viking Council BSA, now Northern Star Council.
This site was the original council site and was active from 1996 to
2002 and run by volunteers. As the web became more important to
Scouting, the council took over with paid staff. This site is no
longer maintained but is an interesting snapshot of an early Scouting
web site. You can share your comments using our
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Webmaster. Thank you
for visiting! |