
Experience 2000
14-15, 2000
Over 2800 Scouts and parents
gather for the weekend |
Jousting - Webelos style |
Learning can be fun
Never a dull moment
Airplanes were a big hit
Helicopters fly upside down?
This remote controlled helicopter and the pilot get ready for an exhibition
Snoopy would have been proud to fly this one
There were planes, rockets, too!
Now to the Wild, Wild West!
Everything was authentic, right down to the weaving
The game on the hill looks like more fun from here..
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ScoutingBSA.org web site is a
legacy site of the Viking Council BSA, now Northern Star Council.
This site was the original council site and was active from 1996 to
2002 and run by volunteers. As the web became more important to
Scouting, the council took over with paid staff. This site is no
longer maintained but is an interesting snapshot of an early Scouting
web site. You can share your comments using our
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Webmaster. Thank you
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