2nd Class
1st Class
Eagle Palms

The 12 Steps of
Life to Eagle
12 steps have been outlined to ensure a smooth procedure for the Scout,
the unit leadership, and the volunteers who are to conduct the board of
review. Eagle candidates should share these steps with their unit leader
so that they can fully understand the procedures that must be followed.
- In order to advance to the rank of Eagle, a
candidate must complete all requirements of tenure; Scout spirit;
merit badges; positions of responsibility; while a Life Scout, plan,
develop, and provide leadership to others in a service project; and
the Scoutmaster conference.
- Using the Eagle
Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, the candidate must
select his Eagle service project and have the project concept
approved by his unit leader, his unit committee, and the benefactor
of the project, and reviewed and approved by the council or district
advancement committee. The workbook must be used in meeting this
- It is imperative that all requirements for the
Eagle Scout rank except the board of review be completed prior to
the candidate's 18th birthday. When all requirements except the
board of review for the rank of Eagle, including the leadership
service project, have been completed, the Eagle Scout Rank
Application must be completed and sent to the council service center
promptly. (Youth members with disabilities should meet with their
unit leader regarding time extensions.)
- The application should be signed by the unit
leader at the proper place. The unit committee reviews and approves
the record of the Eagle candidate before the application is
submitted to the local council. If a unit leader or unit committee
fails to sign or otherwise approve an application, the Eagle
candidate may still be granted a board of review. The failure of a
unit leader or unit committee to sign an application may be
considered by the board of review in determining the qualification
of the Eagle candidate.
- When the completed application is received at
the council service center, its contents will be verified and the
references contacted. The council advancement committee or its
designee contacts the person listed as a reference on the Eagle
Scout Rank Application either by letter, form, or telephone
checklist. The council determines the method or methods to be used.
The candidate should have contacted those individuals listed as
references before including their names on the application. The
candidates should not be involved personally in transmitting any
correspondence between persons listed as references and the council
service center.
- The Eagle
Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, properly filled out,
must be submitted with the application.
- After the contents of an application have been
verified and appropriately signed, the application, Eagle
Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, and references will
be returned from the council service center to the chairman of the
Eagle board of review so that a board of review may be scheduled.
Under no circumstances should a board of review be scheduled until
the application is returned to the chairman of the Eagle board of
review. Reference checks that are forwarded with the application are
confidential, and their contents are not to be disclosed to any
person who is not a member of the board of review.
- The board of review for an Eagle candidate is
composed of at least three but not more than six members. One member
serves as chairman. Unit leaders, assistant unit leaders, relatives,
or guardians may not serve as members of a Scout's board of review.
The board of review members should convene at least 30 minutes
before the candidate appears in order to review the application,
reference checks, and leadership service project report. At least
one district or council advancement representative must be a member
of the Eagle board of review if the board of review is conducted on
a unit level. A council or district may designate more than one
person to serve as a member of Eagle boards of review when requested
to do so by the unit. It is not required that these persons be
members of the advancement committee; however, they must have an
understanding of the importance of the Eagle board of review.
- The candidate's unit leader introduces him to
the members of the board of review. The unit leader may remain in
the room, but does not participate in the board of review. The unit
leader may be called on to clarify a point in question. In no case
should a relative or guardian of the candidate attend the review,
even as a unit leader. There is no set of questions that an Eagle
candidate should be asked. However, the board should be assured of
the candidate's participation in the program. This is the highest
award that a Scout may achieve and, consequently, a thorough
discussion of his successes and experiences in Scouting should be
considered. After the review, the candidate and his unit leader
leave the room while the board members discuss the acceptability of
the candidate as an Eagle Scout.
The decision must be unanimous. If the
candidate meets the requirements, he is asked to return and is
informed that he will receive the board's recommendation for the
Eagle Scout rank. If the candidate does not meet the requirements,
he is asked to return and told the reasons for his failure to
qualify. A discussion should be held with him as to how he may meet
the requirements within a given period.
Should the applicant disagree with the
decision, the appeal procedures should be explained to him. A
follow-up letter must be sent to the Scout confirming the agreements
reached on the action(s) necessary for the advancement. If the Scout
chooses to appeal, the board should provide the name and address of
the person he is to contact.
- Immediately after the board of review and after
the application has been appropriately signed, the application, the
service project report, references, and a properly completed
Advancement Report are returned to the council service center.
- When the application arrives at the council
service center, the Scout executive signs it to certify that the
proper procedure has been followed and that the board of review has
recommended the candidate for the Eagle Scout rank. This workbook
and references are retained by the council. The workbook may be
returned to the Scout after council approval.
Only the Eagle Scout Rank
Application is forwarded
to the national Eagle Scout Service.
- The Eagle Scout Service screens the application
to ascertain information such as proper signature, positions of
responsibility, tenure between ranks, and age of the candidate. Any
item not meeting national standards will cause the application to be
returned for more information. If the application is in order, the
Scout is then certified as an Eagle Scout by the Eagle Scout Service
on behalf of the National Council. Notice of approval is given by
sending the Eagle Scout certificate to the local council. The date
used on the certificate will be the date of the board of review. The
Eagle Award must not be sold or given to any unit until after the
certificate is received by the council service center. The Eagle
Scout court of honor should not be scheduled until the local council
receives the Eagle Scout rank credentials.
ScoutingBSA.org web site is a
legacy site of the Viking Council BSA, now Northern Star Council.
This site was the original council site and was active from 1996 to
2002 and run by volunteers. As the web became more important to
Scouting, the council took over with paid staff. This site is no
longer maintained but is an interesting snapshot of an early Scouting
web site. You can share your comments using our
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