The Quality Unit Awards are the latest in a series of ways that
the BSA tries to recognize units and individuals within those units that
have strong, quality programs.
Background and History
The Quality Unit Program was first introduced in 1986.
The Quality Unit program is an effort to recognize units
that have met specific requirements established on a charter year
The ten categories for the unit-level award -- eight of which would
quality a unit for this award -- are listed below. These
requirements can change every two years to reflect current programming.
Units who meet or surpassed their unit goals receive a special flag
streamer and has permission to purchase uniform emblems to be worn below
the Patrol medallion, on the right sleeve, as a permanent award.
In 1990, the BSA revised the Quality Unit program to only allow the
most recently earned quality unit award to be worn. This
eliminated shirt sleeves that had lots of these patches. Scouts
and their leaders had tended to wear all of the Honor/Quality Unit
emblems that their unit has earned since "the start of time".
The Requirements
Training: The Scoutmaster will complete Boy
Scout Leader Fast Start Training and Scoutmastership Fundamentals
- Two-Deep
Leadership: A Troop will have one or more assistant
Scoutmasters registered, trained, and active. One registered adult is
assigned responsibility for Youth Protection training.
- Planned
Program: A Troop will conduct an annual program
planning conference, publish an annual troop program calendar, and
present it to parents at a family activity.
- Service
Project: A Troop will conduct a service project
annually, preferably for the chartered organization or community.
- Advancement:
Sixty percent or more of the Scouts will advance a rank, or the Troop will have a ten percent increase in total rank advancement over a year
- Boy's Life:
A subscription to Boy's Life will go into the homes of all our Boy
Scout members, or will achieve a ten percent increase over a year ago.
- Outdoor
The troop will conduct six highlight activities (such as hikes, cam
pouts, trips, tours, etc.) and attend a Boy Scouts of America
long-term camp.
- Membership:
The Troop will renew its charter with an equal or greater number of youth
registered over a year ago.
- Patrol
Method: The Troop will conduct Junior Leader Training as
outlined in the Scoutmaster Handbook and hold monthly Patrol Leaders'
Council meetings.
- On-Time
Charter Renewal: The troop will complete its charter
renewal before its current charter expires