Map to the Scout Shop at Har-Mar Mall Located at 2100 North Snelling Avenue
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Take 394 to 94E. Take 94E to 35W North. 35W North to Hwy 36. Take 36 East to Snelling Avenue. Go South on Snelling to the first major stop light. Har Mar Mall is ahead on the left.
Take Snelling Ave.(Hwy 51) south towards Roseville. Go over Hwy 36 and Har Mar Mall will be on the left at the next major stop light.
Take Snelling Ave. (Hwy 51) north towards
Roseville. Go over I94 and continue going north. Following Snelling Ave.
past the Energy Park area (where Bandana Square is), and past the State
Fair Grounds. Har Mar Mall will be on the right about 1.5 - 2 miles past
the Fair Grounds.
Last Update May 15, 2023 |