Stearns Scout Camp
May 11-12, 2001 |
(Friday, 6:00 p.m. to Saturday, 3:00 p.m.)
The Webelos Adventure Overnight program is open to all boys graduating from Bear rank this spring into Webelos and their parent(s) or adult guardian.
A ratio of 1 boy to 1 adult is required for this activity.
The Overnight, held at Stearns Scout Camp, features special activities that both the new Webelos and his parent or adult guardian can enjoy together.
A campfire on Friday night will open the program. Saturday’s activities will include BB gun, archery, compass, camp equipment and more! Note:
Cost is $7.00 per person (non-refundable).For all boys who are 1st year Webelos (or in 4th grade fall of
2001)Check-in begins at 6 p.m. on Friday evening.Webelos and adults must provide their own food and camping equipment. No open fires or charcoal.Check-out begins at 3 p.m. Saturday.Car pooling is the best way to go to camp.You will not receive a confirmation. See back of this sheet for map to camp and personal equipment list.
All dens from your pack must register in one group.
Please be prepared to turn in a completed roster of boys and adults upon arrival at camp.
Send the form below, along with $7.00 per person (1 check per pack made out to Viking Council) to:
Viking Council, BSA,
Webelos Adventure Overnight,
5300 Glenwood Avenue,
Minneapolis, MN 55422.
Questions? Please call the Webelos Camping Department at 763-545-4550.
Full Registration form
with map, and information (pdf 75K)
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